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Our Location

26345 Milky Way Mpola Phase 2, Marianhill 3610

Our Projects

Impendle: 50 ha

Impendle used for producing an array of vegetables such as okra, butternuts, pumpkins etc. this site is overseen by Mr. and Mrs. Mkhulise as well as Mr. Ndlovu, with one Ferguson tractor.


1,5 ha of open field crop production and 30x10m green houses that produce herbs like fennel, rosemary, thyme and basil. This area also includes a hub that will house chickens for eggs productions.

Mpola Marianhill

Sales and distribution managed by Zithulele, Nkonzo and Nomfundo. This site deals with packaging, quality control and grading.

Cooperative Sites in Odidini Area

Mr Zacharia Mkhize manages the site that produces amadumbe, avocado, sweet potatoes and sugar beans.

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