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26345 Milky Way Mpola Phase 2, Marianhill 3610

About Us

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Our Story

Zithulele Mdadane has over 6 years of experience in agriculture and farming. In 2014, Mdadane took the decision to transition into farming full time after discovering his passion for food produce and his yearning for eliminating poverty and food wastage. Working side by side with community leaders, other faming organisations and members of the public, Mdadane’s dream of cultivating the land soon came into fruition. Mdadane has also invested his time in researching herbal medicines alongside several organisations and the governemnt. Thule together with Nomfundo, who has expertise in Administration, have brought Hlumakahle to soaring heights and continue to do so whilst empowering communities around KwaZulu Natal.

Growing Fruits
and Vegetables

Tips for Ripening

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Organic foods have more beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants, than their conventionally-grown counterparts and people with allergies to foods, chemicals, or preservatives may find their symptoms lessen or go away when they eat only organic foods. Organic produce contains fewer/no pesticides.

In South Africa, 10 million tonnes of food go to waste every year. That's a third the 31 million tonnes produced annually in South Africa. About 90% of waste in SA is disposed of to landfills, where the food-waste component leads to the production of methane gas and carbon dioxide.

You can place an order with us on WhatsApp and we will deliver to you or visit our market at Woodburn stadium in Pietermaritzburg, every second Sunday.

A greenhouse is a building with glass walls and ceiling/roof that are used to grow plants. Greenhouses are able to stay warm inside using sunlight to warm both the plants and the air within.

We provide training for community members to grow, harvest and sell their own produce. Our aim is to eliminate poverty, ensure food security and promote sustainable living.

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